

Saturday 26 March 2011

Helpful recommendations for items you can add to Homemade Hair Conditioners

As you can see below most of the ingredients are natural and can be used in your Homemade Hair Conditioners for even more freshness elimating all harmful chemicals.

Water – Approximately 70% of hair is composed of water. The recommendation is to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Vitamins – Vitamins more important for beautiful hair are vitamin A, vitamin B group and vitamin E. Vitamin A benefits to the scalp and the B vitamins, especially biotin, give strength. Vitamin E helps the healthy growth of hair. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet to get their benefits.
Minerals – Minerals essential for healthy hair are: silica, calcium, copper, zinc and iron. Include in your diet breads and cereals, oatmeal than the snapshot, cucumbers, broccoli, bell pepper (green and red), beans, cheddar cheese, and yogurt.
Proteins and amino acids – Meat, seafood, milk and dairy products, beans, lentils and nuts are rich sources of protein and amino acids. Hair is formed in 90% of protein, so eating these foods will result in a strong hair less likely to damage, tarnish or develop split ends.

Through a healthy balanced diet we can also see the results in our own skin and hair.

For more information and helpful hints and tips check out the Homemade Hair Conditioner Site which is updated on a regular basis via our Facebook Page.


Unknown said...

Informative read about homemade hair conditioners,After shampooing,it becomes necessary to use hair conditioner in order to easily manage hair on the scalp,leaving them softer and shiny.One of the best natural hair conditioners comes from the candlenut,which is sometimes known as the kemiri.

Thanks & regards
Top Hair Colorists

Homemade Hair Conditioner said...

Fantastic comment. Thank you very much for the helpful info. Some people are putting on the conditioners such as mayo and avocado first before the wash due to its consistency and gelling. But you are right you can also add it after the shampoo, which I must add is the most popular way to do it.

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