

Sunday 5 February 2012

Avocado Face & Body Soap - Homebeautycare recommends...

We have just come across this soap and have got to say we have experienced all the odours and aromas from the infamous LUSH brands but this is something else.....

So fresh.. and the actual smell of the soap made us instantly want to buy more.

As soon as the box is opened the air is filled with a really pleasant fragrance of which is totally unforgettable but a fragrance which is not too overpowering and could be used simply to place on a side to fragrance a room, thats how wonderful it is.

The first use of the soap was pretty cool, the fragrance and the silkiness of the lather.  Some soaps contain ingredients which dry your skin after use and this is what we expected but pleasantly surprised when it lathered up very nicely and left the skin so soft and slightly fragranced.

It is a quality product of which we will be using now on a regular basis due to its sheer beauty and quality. If you love those bubbly hot baths, with a good book then this is the soap for you, you can simply lay bath enjoy the experience over and over again.

To find out more on the actual ingredients of the soap for those with specific skin requirements visit our information blog @

Thursday 19 January 2012

Aloe Vera and Colds

Now, having suffered from a cold for the past few days of which is finally starting to calm down and what a short period of time it had lasted for!

I do remember those feelings of the cold creeping in then the aches in the body indicating there as an approach of some sudden shudders, unable to move, lose of appetite which could only boil down to the flu!

Well even through keeping myself very healthy over the past few months with extra wintery supplements I really needed a boost.

Something that was going to really perk me up, get me back on form, concentrated and in the correct line of focus again having trying to battle the lack of motivation and enthusiasm in any given task.

Well the morning started 3 fl oz of Aloe Gel as consumed with a Lemsip of all things, well it shifted the head!!!

Orange juice hits throughout the morning, not too much but enough to refresh and replenish ones self.

Lunch - Aloe again, same quantity with some orange juice (I am also eating normal quantities of food with this liquid intake)

Then around 4 pm I did the same.  This has been done for two days now and really is shifting the cold of which in these weather conditions usually last longer.  I was actually amazed how well this had worked and had to share it.

There are many of you out there suffering from the viruses and colds but there are simple ways to ensure that your body maintains and keeps all the nutrition's your body needs.

If you have not found any real cold remedies give it a try and to find more information on Aloe Vera why not visit Health Aloe by clicking here.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: MM Home Made Herbal healing!!

Home Made Medicine e-book First edition ver.1.00 

This complete guide to self-healing is causing quite a wave in the natural healing world of the internet. 
Written by Charles Silverman, an expert in natural treatment, and packed with all sorts of remedies (a complete table of content is available for you to check out.
We know that millions of people are now starting to change their minds about synthetic drugs, and Charles has made it very interesting by listing drug's side effects throughout the e-book, as tips for you to be aware of. He organized the book so that illnesses and cures are easy to find, by taking advantage of the new technology that enables this e-book to look just like a regular book, but without the hassles of hard copies. Password protected for your security and full of colors makes it fun and secure. Charles has even put a free demo version for you to download and experience the looks and content of "The Home Made Medicine e-Book" get the Demo today!! 

Visit Home Made Medicine web site and read all about it. Also, check out the free demo listed on his page - A newsletter presenting the 50 home remedies you need today.

For your free demo check out the full review on my site - HMM Home Made Herbal Healing